O, that's a brave man; he writes brave verses, speaks brave words, swears brave oaths and breaks them bravely. | |
-Celia | |
Three may keep a secret if two are dead. | |
-Bejamin Franklin | |
The world breaks everyone and, afterwards, many are stronger at the broken places. But those it cannot break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these, you can be sure that it will kill you, but there will be no hurry. | |
-Ernest Hemmingway | |
One of the causes of cancer is the harmfullness of cooked food. | |
-Furbish Lousewart | |
"The problem with you is that you refuse to expire from old age," the toad snarled. Then he quoted Confucius. "'A fellow who grows as old as you without dying is simply becoming a nuisance.'" He turned back to me. "I, on the other hand, shall succumb with serenity, secure in the sanctity of my soul. Boy just look at the sould shining through my eyes! It's like a goddamned flower!" | |
-Number Ten Ox | |
Life is little more than a loan shark: it exacts a very high rate of interest for the few pleasures it concedes. | |
-Luigi Picandello | |
The main thing about being a hero is knowing when to die. | |
-Will Rogers | |
Some people would rather die than think. In fact they do. | |
-Bertrand Russell (Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy) | |
No matter what the product or service might be, you can find it somewhere else cheaper! | |
-E. Scrooge | |
A hero's work is never done. That is one of the minor reasons why I don't recommend the profession. | |
-Walter Slovotsky | |
I always have a fallback position, whenever I take a risk: if all else fails, I'll die horribly, at great length, and in great pain. Mind you it's not a good fallback position... | |
-Walter Slovotsky | |
Never come home unexpectedly. It's a break-even position at best. | |
-Walter Slovotsky | |
Relax; the universe is out to get you. | |
-Walter Slovotsky | |
When you get to be my age you like a little stability! At least the fucking ground under your feet! | |
-Walter Slovotsky | |
Fortune is like glass. The brighter the glitter the more easily broken. | |
-Publilius Syrus | |
In capitalism, man exploits man. In socialism it's exactly the opposite. | |
-Ben Tucker | |
If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a man and a dog. | |
-Mark Twain | |
The world is a vast temple dedicated to dicord. | |
-Voltaire | |
A hero is a coward who has been cornered. | |
-Unknown | |
By the time you can make the ends meet, they move the ends. | |
-Unknown | |
How is it that everyone's always talking yet no-one ever says anything? | |
-Unknown | |
If you ever find something that you like, buy a lifetime supply of it, because they're going to stop making it. | |
-Unknown | |
Life is a sexually transmitted terminal condition. | |
-Unknown | |
Sometimes too much to drink is not enough. | |
-Unknown | |
The careful application of terror is also a form of communication. | |
-Unknown | |
The other line always moves faster until you get in it. | |
-Unknown | |
The world gets a little better every day and worse in the evening. | |
-Unknown | |
This is as bad as things can get- but don't bet on it. | |
-Unknown |