(You know! All those little things
what happend after I built my page!
Back to the main page.
Tuesday, November 2, 1999
I've been messing with the page (made this page just now, fer example, rather
than having all those notes scattered messily across my main page...) added a
new section to my writing page, that being snapshots, and finally got around to
giving everything a more uniform look as far as backgrounds, fonts, text colors,
and stuff like that goes.
Sometime in August, 1999
Yes! I have my very own computer, complete with internet access, soon to be
my very own phone line too! I will now be a regular presence once again- 'cept
I also have a full time job, so I won't be quite as active as I was all those
times I didn't have a full time job. Specially since besides the job I have
transportation issues, so it ends up being pretty much 12 hour days every day
to get to and from work and to work and all *sniff* But that's not the point!
I'm back!
Thursday, July 22, 1999
Okay folks, it's now 24 of July, cept I think that's wrong because I don't
think it's Saturday. Thursday, which would make it the 22 of July, so that's
probably when it actually is. Anyway. I am currently in Springfield,
Massachusettes, and have next to no internet access and, it would appear, NO
telnet access *cry* Life sucks, don't it? Anyway, thought I'd post y'all on
where I was, not that I spect anybody's even bothering to check back any more
these days, so: I did. That's that. That's it, seeya!
Thursday, June 18, 1998
Okay, another note, this is... Thursday, June 18, it looks like. Well, I am ...
somewhat on line these days. I basically to get on to check my email every
few days, so if you email me, I'll get it, and I'll try to reply. I also hope
to work on my web page a little bit- I've been thinking of this new story to
put up.... Anyway, we'll see. But I can't work on my computer for home for
one basic reason. 2500 baud modem. Not 25000. 2500. Which is WAY too slow to
do an'thing wid. So. I'm on for an hour here and there. Keep in touch,
peoples, I miss you.
Thursday, June 4, 1998
I am, as of noon tomorrow (tomorrow being Friday the fifth of June) off to
Massachusettes. Once there, I hope to be back online within a week or so.
Unfortunately, this depends upon a very old, not very willing laptop getting
hooked into the 'net. Since this is the case, none of my friends ought to get
mad at me for not keeping in touch through the computers, and none of you
random people who happened to show up and thought you might like to meet me
should get offended if you email me and I do not reply. It probably means that
I am not yet back up on the internet, since I reply to pretty much everything
I get. Anyway, luvya all, and I hope to be in touch again soon. *Waves*.
Back to the main page.
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