
It's difficult to fight a battle of the wits with the unarmed.
-Mr. Baldwin

"Fun? Vile things! Your idea of fun is molesting dogs and children!"
"What's wrong with that?"
"How'd he find out about the dogs?"
-The Force of Buddha's Palm

If conceit were manure you'd have to shovel your way through life.
-The Force of Buddha's Palm

"You dare inult me?!"
"Sure, why not?"
-The Force of Buddha's Palm

"Thou art a villain!"
"You are- a senator."
-William Shakespeare

"Why, tis good to be sad and say nothing."
"Why then, tis good to be a post."
-William Shakespeare

Once, when he could not give the date of the Battle of Buena Vista, an event of the Mexican War, the professor asked him good-naturedly what eh would do at the dinner table were he asked the same question. He retorted indignantly, "Do? Why I should refuse to associate with people who could talk of such things at dinner."
-Alfred Werner, on Whistler

When greeted in London by a fellow American who informed him that he, too,k had been born in Lowell, Massachusetts, the artist superciliously adgusted his monocle and remarked in a penetrating voice, "I do not choose to be born at Lowell."
-Alfred Werner, on Whistler

(Upon meeting a younger woman at a door and the girl motioning her through with the words "Age before beauty," Dorothy Parker swept through the door, replying sweetly, "Pearls before swine."

"If you were my husband I would poison your wine."
"Madam, if you were my wife, I'd drink it."
(Lady Astor & Winston Churchill)

"Sir, you are drunk."
" "Madame, you are ugly. In the morning, I shall be sober."
-Lady Astor & Winston Churchill

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