Some of you, out there, may wonder just what a MUD is. Others may gasp in astonishment that not everyone already knows, but y'know, you don't have to read this part. In fact, you don't have to read any of it, though you can if you want. Anyway, as I was saying. MUDs. MUDs are Multi-User Dungeons. Or Dimensions, whichever you prefer. I've heard more people use dungeons, but I, personally, prefer dimensions just because they're more than just dungeons. They're whole worlds. But, anyway, they're basically like playing any RPG (role-playing game) like AD&D (Advanced Dungeons and Dragons) or GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) or any of the others only on whatever schedule works for you, with hundreds of companions who come and go around you, who can be your friends, enemies, or just those people you see now and then. The imms (immortals) or imps (implementors) or wizards, or whatever else the administrators of the mud you go to choose to call themselves, build the world before you ever see it, though they'll often continue building new areas all the time it exists. They populate it with mobs (creatures, monsters, and non-player characters), fill it with all kinds of items, and open it up to your population- within the rules. Those rules mostly being common sense to make everyone's stay at whichever MUD you're at a blast. Begin Shpiel. This does not mean to use your common sense. If your common sense and the imms common sense doesn't match up, your common sense gets trod upon, cuz nobody has any reason why they do or should know what your common sense dictates, and the imms worked together to come up with a mutual idea of their common sense which was later posted. Speaking of which, every mud has their rules posted somewhere, and none of them take 'But I didn't know' as an excuse. In fact, if you get me as the imm dealing with you, that's one of the things most likely to piss me off. Don't claim ignorance. More than that- don't be ignorant. Just learn the rules. It's not that hard. End shpiel.

Okay, so that's basically what a MUD is. My definition of it, anyway. Other people may disagree. (My other definition is that it's a multi-roomed chat room where you can kill stuff, but that's a bit less comprehensive.)

My primary MUD, by a long shot, is Midnight Sanctuary and I have a bit on each of it up (which is, of course, why they look like links). You can also go visit the homepage of Alestra my main MUD character.

Or go on back to the main page.