A Guide to Building

On Midnigh Sanctuary

A MUD of Modified SMAUG

A good day to you, builder, and welcome to my guide. This is information combined from personal knowledge, help files, other tutorials, and various other things similar. I hope you'll find it as useful as I think I would have when I was starting out. And as I probably still will.

Keep in mind that any biases for methods or commands or anything else shown in here are purely mine. I like my biases, and I'd hate them to be attributed to anybody else. Anyway, hope you find some stuff of interest. Have fun!

BTW- This guide is mostly for Midnight Sanctuary, but with a few exceptions everything in it can be used for building on most SMAUG muds. Tellya what- I'll mark with a ... asterix, I think, anything that is ours and only ours, just in case folks from other SMAUG muds decide they'd like to check it out. Red asterix (*) is completely new or different, green asterix (*) is somewhat altered.

There are currently five basic sections, which it seems to me most of the guides I've read have agreed. Those sections being:
Building Rooms
Building Objects
Building Mobs
Making Programs
and Making Resets.

Does everyone agree with this? Probably not. However, for the moment, it will do as an organization. Each of the above sections is fairly distinct, at this time, I think, so I've just made a separate page for each of them. Please go to the one you're currently interested in.